Ken lives in Seattle and takes a plane to Dallas. When Ken left the house it was -2°. When the plane landed in Dallas, Ken realized it was 17° hotter! What was the temperature when Ken landed in Dallas?

The temperature when Ken landed in Dallas was 15°.

You have a job that pays $25.00 for each day you show up, plus $19.00 per hour. Which expression shows the amount you make in one day if you work for h hours?

The expression that shows the amount you make in one day if you work for h hours is:

$25.00 + $19.00 * h

At which letter will you place 5/3 on the number line below?

A number line goes from negative 4 to 4. Marks divide the space between these values into 8 equal parts. Letter A is between 3 and 4 but closer to 4. Letter B is between 1 and 2 but closer to 2. Letter C is between negative 3 and negative 2 but is closer to negative 3. Letter D is between negative 1 and 0 but is closer to negative 1.

The fraction 5/3 on the number line will be placed at letter B.

Which of the statements below are true? Select all that apply.

A) (2, 2) is a point on the line shown
B) (3, 6) is a point on the line shown
C) Each pack of gum costs $2.00
D) Each pack of gum costs $0.50

A graph with Packs of Gum on the x-axis and Total Price in Dollars on the y-axis. The line starts at the origin and goes through 1 comma 2.

The true statements are:

A) (2, 2) is a point on the line shown
C) Each pack of gum costs $2.00