There are certain traits that are crucial for employees to find success in the workplace—things like integrity, credibility, reliability, and perseverance. Come up with and describe a brief scenario involving an individual exhibiting each of these four traits. Include one to two sentences for each scenario that explains how the trait is exhibited.

Integrity: In the scenario, an employee discovers a mistake in a financial report that could potentially damage the company's reputation. Despite the temptation to keep it quiet, the individual promptly reports the error to their supervisor, showcasing their integrity and commitment to ethical behavior.

Credibility: A team member is assigned an important presentation to clients. They meticulously research the topic, gather accurate data, and present information confidently, backed by reliable sources. Their demonstrated competence and trustworthiness earn them credibility among both their colleagues and clients.

Reliability: In a busy office environment, an employee consistently completes tasks within deadlines and meets their commitments to colleagues. Their teammates rely on this individual to consistently deliver quality work on time, acknowledging their reliability and dependability.

Perseverance: A sales representative faces multiple rejections and setbacks while trying to secure a challenging client. Instead of giving up, they persistently adjust their approach, research the client's needs, and work with determination. Their perseverance pays off as they eventually secure the contract, demonstrating their resilience and ability to overcome obstacles.