How would you say that your brother is going to his job in Spanish?

A. Voy al trabajo.
B. Va al trabajo.
C. Va a el trabajo.
D. Va a el trabajo.

B. Va al trabajo.

What is one difference between the national libraries of Latin America and the Library of Congress?

A. The Library of Congress has many additional functions.
B. The Library of Congress is a repository of national treasures.
C. The Library of Congress does not lend any books.
D. The Library of Congress is very large and historical.

B. The Library of Congress is a repository of national treasures.

The correct answer is B. "Va al trabajo."

To form this sentence correctly in Spanish, you need to use the third person singular form of the verb "ir" (to go), which is "va." The preposition "a" is used to indicate the destination or direction of someone or something. In this case, "al" is the contraction of "a" and "el" (the) and is used before the masculine noun "trabajo" (job). So, "Va al trabajo" translates to "He is going to his job" in English.