Why is a sports feature story a human interest angle?

A sports feature story can be considered a human interest angle because it focuses on the personal journeys, struggles, triumphs, and emotions of individuals involved in sports. It goes beyond the statistical coverage of a game or event and delves into the human aspect of sports.

A sports feature story often explores the lives of athletes, coaches, or fans, shedding light on their unique stories, motivations, challenges, and achievements. These stories can inspire, evoke empathy, and connect with a wide range of readers, as they tap into the shared human experiences of determination, passion, resilience, and teamwork.

Furthermore, sports often serve as a platform for social issues, diversity, inclusion, and overcoming adversity. By highlighting these aspects within a sports feature story, the narrative can evoke a broader human interest and resonate with readers who may not be avid sports fans but can still connect with the universal themes and emotions presented.

In essence, a sports feature story provides a glimpse into the lives of individuals involved in sports, presenting their experiences in a way that captures the attention and interest of a broader audience beyond just sports enthusiasts.