Presidents have used executive orders to jump start the nation’s response to societal challenges. In 3–5 sentences, explain the advantages and disadvantages of employing executive orders. Use specific examples in your response.(4 points)

One advantage of employing executive orders is the ability to bypass the legislative process, allowing for a quicker response to urgent issues. For example, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order to establish the Works Progress Administration during the Great Depression, providing immediate relief and creating jobs. Another advantage is the flexibility it offers to the President, who can take action even when faced with a divided Congress. On the other hand, one disadvantage is the potential for abuse of power, as executive orders can undermine democratic principles by circumventing checks and balances. President Donald Trump's controversial executive order on immigration in 2017 led to widespread protests and legal challenges, highlighting this concern. Additionally, executive orders lack the permanence of legislation, and subsequent administrations can reverse or modify them, leading to inconsistency and uncertainty in policy.