given the sum 70= 25 + 45 rewrite 25 + 45 using their gcf and multiplecation

To rewrite 25 + 45 using their greatest common factor (GCF) and multiplication, we first need to find the GCF of 25 and 45.

The factors of 25 are 1, 5, and 25.
The factors of 45 are 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, and 45.

The common factor(s) of 25 and 45 are 1 and 5. And the greatest common factor is 5.

To rewrite 25 + 45 using their GCF and multiplication, we can express both numbers as multiples of their GCF, which is 5.
25 can be written as 5 × 5
45 can be written as 5 × 9

Therefore, 25 + 45 can be rewritten as 5 × 5 + 5 × 9

write is as 5(_)

To rewrite 25 + 45 using their GCF and multiplication as 5(_), we can further simplify the expression.

We already found that 25 can be written as 5 × 5.
And 45 can be written as 5 × 9.

So, 25 + 45 can be rewritten as 5 × 5 + 5 × 9.

Simplifying further, we can factor out the common factor of 5:
25 + 45 = 5 × (5 + 9)

Therefore, 25 + 45 can be written as 5(5 + 9) in the form 5(_).

To rewrite 25 + 45 using the greatest common factor (GCF) and multiplication, we first need to find the GCF of the two numbers.

The prime factors of 25 are 5 x 5.
The prime factors of 45 are 3 x 3 x 5.

To find the GCF, we need to identify the common prime factors. Both numbers share one factor of 5, but no other common factors. Therefore, the GCF of 25 and 45 is 5.

Now, let's use the GCF and multiplication to rewrite 25 + 45:

25 = 5 x 5
45 = 5 x 3 x 3

Since we found the GCF to be 5, we can rewrite 25 as 5 x 5, and 45 as 5 x 3 x 3.

Now, we can rewrite the original expression using the GCF and multiplication:

25 + 45 = (5 x 5) + (5 x 3 x 3)

Applying the distributive property, we multiply the GCF to each term within the parentheses:

25 + 45 = 5 x (5 + 3 x 3)

Simplifying the expression within the parentheses:

25 + 45 = 5 x (5 + 9)

Finally, evaluating the expression within the parentheses:

25 + 45 = 5 x 14

The rewritten expression using the GCF and multiplication is 5 x 14.