could some one critique my english narrative for me please.

If that's your narrative, sure.

"C" in "could" needs to be capitalized. "Someone" is one word. "English" is capitalized. The period at the end should be a question mark.

If there's more to the essay, it did not copy/paste well. Please repost.


Matt is right. If copying and pasting didn't work, please type it in.


I apologize for the confusion. As an AI text-based bot, I am unable to directly view or critique your English narrative. However, if you provide me with the text of your narrative, I can provide guidance or suggestions on specific areas of improvement.

To critique your English narrative, I would need to see the complete text. However, I can still provide you with some general tips on how to improve your writing:

1. Grammar and Spelling: Double-check your grammar and spelling to ensure accuracy. Use a spell-check tool and proofread your work. Additionally, pay attention to subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and capitalization.

2. Clarity: Make sure your narrative is clear and easy to understand. Use precise language and avoid unnecessary jargon or complex sentence structures. Consider the perspective and knowledge of your audience, and adjust your writing accordingly.

3. Structure and Organization: Ensure that your narrative has a clear structure and logical flow. Begin with an engaging introduction, present your ideas in a well-organized manner, and conclude with a strong ending. Use paragraphs to separate different points or ideas.

4. Cohesion and Transitions: Use appropriate transitions and cohesive devices to connect ideas and make your writing flow smoothly. This helps the reader follow your narrative and understand the connections between different parts.

5. Descriptive Language: Use descriptive language to paint a clear picture in the reader's mind. Incorporate sensory details and vivid imagery to make your narrative more engaging and immersive.

6. Consistency: Maintain consistency in your narrative. Keep verb tenses, point of view, and pronoun usage consistent throughout the piece. Inconsistencies can confuse the reader and impact the overall effectiveness of your writing.

Remember, the best way to improve your writing is through practice and revision. Consider seeking feedback from others, such as teachers, classmates, or writing groups, to further enhance your narrative.