An initial population of 175 quail increases at an annual rate 22%. write an exponential function to model the quail population. what will the approximate population be after 5 years.

a. f(×)=175(0.22)^×;473
b. f(×)=(1751×0.22)^×; 84,587,005
c. f(×)=175(22)^×; 901,885,600
d. f(×)=175(1.22)^×;473

The correct exponential function to model the quail population would be d. f(×)=175(1.22)^×.

To calculate the approximate population after 5 years, we substitute × with 5 in the function:

f(5) = 175(1.22)^5
≈ 175(2.059854)
≈ 360.46

Therefore, the approximate population after 5 years would be 360 quail.