Use the table to answer the question.

Wave λ
(m) vw
L 120 600
M 150 600
N 100 600
O 50 600
The table shows information about four waves. Which wave has the lowest frequency?

(1 point)

wave M
wave M

wave N
wave N

wave O
wave O

wave L

The wave with the lowest frequency is wave O.

A student moves the end of a compressed coiled spring up and down to demonstrate wave motion. She then moves the compressed coiled spring faster but keeps everything else the same. Which characteristic will increase?(1 point)






The characteristic that will increase when the student moves the compressed coiled spring faster is the frequency.

To find the wave with the lowest frequency, we need to look at the wavelength (λ) of each wave in the table.

The wavelength of wave L is 120m,
The wavelength of wave M is 150m,
The wavelength of wave N is 100m,
The wavelength of wave O is 50m.

Since frequency is inversely related to wavelength, the wave with the lowest wavelength will correspond to the highest frequency, and vice versa.

Hence, the wave with the lowest frequency is Wave O, as it has the smallest wavelength of 50m.