A fitness center has several rectangular rooms where exercise classes are held.

2. The area of Room B is ​(30x+12y-​12) square units. What are possible dimensions of Room​ B?
3. If Room B has the dimensions you found in question 2​, what is its​ perimeter? Show how you found your answer.
What are possible dimensions of Room​ B

Since the given expression for the area of Room B is (30x+12y-12), we can determine the possible dimensions of Room B by finding two factors of this expression. These factors will represent the length and width dimensions of the room.

Possible factors of (30x+12y-12) can be found by factoring out common factors and looking for pairs that multiply to give the expression. However, without further information or restrictions on the variables x and y, we cannot determine the exact dimensions or calculate the perimeter of Room B.