why were patios originally built in mexico?

Patios were originally built in Mexico for various practical and cultural reasons:

1. Climate: The warm and sunny climate in Mexico made outdoor living spaces desirable. Patios provided a shaded area to escape the direct heat of the sun while still enjoying outdoor activities.

2. Cultural traditions: Mexico has a strong tradition of outdoor living and socializing. Patios served as gathering spaces for families, friends, and communities to come together, share meals, and engage in various social activities.

3. Indoor-outdoor flow: Patios were built as extensions of the interior spaces, allowing for a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor living. This design concept allowed people to enjoy the benefits of being outside while still having easy access to their homes.

4. Connection to nature: The presence of patios allowed people to connect with the natural surroundings. Mexico's rich biodiversity and beautiful landscapes made outdoor spaces an integral part of daily life, providing a direct link to nature.

5. Privacy and security: Patios were often enclosed by surrounding walls or hedges, providing a level of privacy and security for the residents. They offered a space where people could relax and interact with a sense of seclusion from the outside world.

Overall, the construction of patios in Mexico was influenced by the climate, cultural practices, and the desire to create functional spaces that allowed people to live an outdoor-centric lifestyle.