what was george washington's stance on political parties and foreign alliances

George Washington's stance on political parties was generally negative. In his Farewell Address, he warned against the dangers of political factions, referring to them as "baneful" and detrimental to the unity and stability of the nation. He believed that political parties could promote conflict, disunity, and undermine the common good. Washington was a strong advocate for unity and encouraged citizens to prioritize the interests of the nation over the interests of any specific political party.

Regarding foreign alliances, Washington believed in a policy of neutrality. He advocated for the United States to avoid permanent alliances or overly entangling foreign relationships. Washington believed that by remaining neutral, the country could focus on its own development and avoid unnecessary conflicts and entanglements with other nations. This policy established a precedent that continued for many years in U.S. foreign relations.

what was george washington's stance on political parties and foreign alliances. select all that apply

he wanted the US to support France

he wanted the US to support Britain

he thought the US should avoid permanent alliances with other countries

he thought a healthy rivalry between political parties would be a good thing for Americans

he thought political parties would cause unnecessary division between americans

George Washington's stances on political parties and foreign alliances were as follows:

- He thought the US should avoid permanent alliances with other countries.
- He thought political parties would cause unnecessary division between Americans.

3^7 * 3^-9=

To simplify the expression, we can use the rule of exponents that states when multiplying two exponential expressions with the same base, we add the exponents.

So, 3^7 * 3^(-9) is equal to 3^(7 + (-9)).

When we add 7 and -9, we get -2.

Therefore, 3^7 * 3^(-9) equals 3^(-2), or 1/3^2.

Simplifying further, 3^(-2) is equal to 1/(3^2), which equals 1/9.





3^2 = 9

3^3 = 27
3^-7 = 1/(3^7) = 1/2187 (approx. 0.000457)
3^-2 = 1/(3^2) = 1/9 (approx. 0.111)

can you pick out of the options i gave u

Certainly! Out of the options you provided, the correct answers are as follows:

3^2 = 9
3^-7 = 1/(3^7) = 1/2187 (approximately 0.000457)
3^-2 = 1/(3^2) = 1/9 (approximately 0.111)