What role did slavery play in shaping Texas’s boundaries?(1 point)


The western border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.
The western border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.

The southern border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.
The southern border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.

The northern border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.
The northern border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.

The northern border of Texas was set so Texas could become a free state.

The western and southern borders of Texas were set so Texas could continue slavery.

No pick the correct from the responses

The western border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.
The western border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.

The southern border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.
The southern border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.

The northern border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.
The northern border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.

The northern border of Texas was set so Texas could become a free state.

The correct response is: The northern border of Texas was set so Texas could become a free state.

The correct answer is: The southern border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery.

To understand the role slavery played in shaping Texas's boundaries, it is important to look at the historical context of the time. During the early 19th century, the United States was expanding westward, and the issue of slavery became a major point of contention between northern and southern states. Texas, which was then a part of Mexico, was a territory where slavery was allowed.

The establishment of the southern border of Texas played a crucial role in ensuring the continuation of slavery in the region. The southern border was set at the Rio Grande River, which was further south than the previous border claimed by the Republic of Texas. By including a larger territory, Texas aimed to maintain a larger slaveholding population and secure the economic and social system that relied heavily on slave labor.

It is worth noting that while the northern border was influenced by various factors, including political debates and negotiations, it was not primarily shaped by the desire to continue slavery. Instead, the northern border was determined through various treaties and compromises, as well as geopolitical considerations.

So, in summary, the southern border of Texas was set so Texas could continue slavery, while the northern border was not primarily influenced by the desire to continue slavery, but rather determined through negotiations and geopolitical factors.