-ir and -er ending Verbs are very similar in their endings when they are conjugated. How do the differ in their endings when they are conjugated?

Although -ir and -er ending verbs are similar in their endings, they differ in the following ways when conjugated:

1. First-person singular (yo) present tense: For -ir verbs, the ending is -o (e.g., escribo - I write), while for -er verbs, the ending is -o (e.g., como - I eat).

2. Second-person singular (tú) present tense: For -ir verbs, the ending is -es (e.g., escribes - you write), while for -er verbs, the ending is -es (e.g., comes - you eat).

3. Third-person singular (él/ella/usted) present tense: For -ir verbs, the ending is -e (e.g., vive - he/she/you live), while for -er verbs, the ending is -e (e.g., lee - he/she/you reads).

4. First-person plural (nosotros/nosotras) present tense: For -ir verbs, the ending is -imos (e.g., vivimos - we live), while for -er verbs, the ending is -emos (e.g., comemos - we eat).

5. Second-person plural (vosotros/vosotras) present tense: For -ir verbs, the ending is -ís (e.g., vivís - you all live), while for -er verbs, the ending is -éis (e.g., coméis - you all eat).

6. Third-person plural (ellos/ellas/ustedes) present tense: For -ir verbs, the ending is -en (e.g., viven - they/you all live), while for -er verbs, the ending is -en (e.g., leen - they/you all read).

These are some of the differences in the conjugation endings between -ir and -er ending verbs.