Which factor do you think is more important for getting a job with a good salary?

Educational degrees

Work experience

Both educational degrees and work experience are important factors for getting a job with a good salary. However, the importance of each factor can vary depending on the specific job and industry.

In general, educational degrees demonstrate a candidate's knowledge, skills, and qualifications in a particular field. Employers often value candidates with higher degrees because it shows their commitment, ability to learn, and specialization in a specific area. Degrees also provide candidates with foundational knowledge that they can apply to their job, making them more valuable to employers.

On the other hand, work experience allows candidates to showcase their practical skills and expertise in a real-world work setting. It demonstrates a candidate's ability to apply their knowledge and successfully perform in a professional environment. Work experience also helps candidates develop crucial soft skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and communication, which are highly sought-after by employers.

Ultimately, the weightage given to educational degrees versus work experience may vary based on the specific job requirements and industry norms. Some jobs may prioritize educational qualifications, while others may value hands-on experience more. It is crucial for individuals to have a balance of both educational degrees and work experience to increase their chances of securing a job with a good salary.