Having studied the data for patterns and trends, you should now be able to draw

some conclusions about how knowing the half-life of the element Lokium would
help you determine the absolute age of rock in which this element is found. In a
paragraph, create an imaginary example of finding a given amount of Lokium and
DOL in a rock, and then determining the absolute age of that rock. Assume that
each trial represents 1,000 years

Knowing the half-life of the element Lokium would greatly assist in determining the absolute age of a rock in which Lokium is found. Let's consider an imaginary example where a rock is discovered containing a certain amount of Lokium and its decay product, DOL. Through multiple trials, it is determined that the half-life of Lokium is 500 years.

In the first trial, the rock is analyzed, and it is found to contain 10 grams of Lokium and 10 grams of DOL. This indicates that half of the Lokium has decayed into DOL, which would have taken 500 years. Thus, the age of the rock is assumed to be 500 years.

After another 500 years, a second trial is conducted on a different rock sample. It is found that this sample contains 5 grams of Lokium and 15 grams of DOL. This suggests that another half-life has passed, as half of the remaining Lokium has decayed into DOL. Therefore, the age of this rock is estimated to be 1000 years.

Continuing this pattern, after 1500 years, a third trial is performed on a third rock sample. It reveals that the sample now contains 2.5 grams of Lokium and 17.5 grams of DOL. By comparing the amount of Lokium to DOL, it is clear that another half-life has gone by, and the rock is estimated to be 1500 years old.

By repeating these trials and carefully observing the ratio of Lokium to DOL in each sample, the absolute age of the rock can be determined. This method relies on the assumption that each trial represents 1000 years, which allows for estimation and extrapolation of the age of the rock based on the rate of decay of Lokium.