what are primary consumers of:

1. Bacteria
2. Fungi
3. Aquatic worms
4. Mollusks

1. Primary consumers of bacteria can include other microorganisms such as protozoa and some types of algae. Additionally, certain small invertebrates like nematodes can consume bacteria as well.

2. Fungi are primarily decomposers, but they can also be consumed by various organisms. Some primary consumers of fungi include beetles, woodlice, and certain types of worms.

3. Aquatic worms such as nematodes and oligochaetes are detritivores, meaning they primarily consume decaying organic matter. They play a significant role in the decomposition process in aquatic ecosystems.

4. Mollusks have diverse feeding habits, and the primary consumers of mollusks can vary depending on their specific ecology. For example, herbivorous mollusks like snails and slugs consume plants, while filter-feeding mollusks like mussels and clams consume microscopic organisms suspended in water. Additionally, some predatory mollusks like certain species of octopus or squid consume other smaller organisms.