My father invested a substantial amount of money into the stock market.

The word “substantial” most likely means:






The root “aqua-” helps you know that an “aqueduct” is:

A tunnel that goes underground

A channel that carries water

A tunnel that is no longer used

A channel that is raised

A channel that carries water

Which of the following sentences is an example of an allusion?

His hurtful words left my heart broken.

He yelled so loudly, it felt like the room shook.

His mean soul was as cold as ice.

He yelled from the crowd, “Don’t be a Scrooge!”

He yelled from the crowd, “Don’t be a Scrooge!”

The words “counterfeit” and “genuine” are:





To determine the meaning of the word "substantial," you can follow these steps:

1. Context: Look at the sentence and the overall context in which the word is used. In this case, the sentence states that the father invested a substantial amount of money into the stock market.

2. Synonyms: Consider various synonyms of "substantial" to see if any of them fit the context. Some options could be "profitable," "limited," "successful," or "significant."

By analyzing the options:

- "Profitable" does not fit because it refers to making a profit, whereas the sentence only talks about the amount of money invested, not whether it was profitable.

- "Limited" does not fit because it suggests a restricted or small amount, which contradicts the word "substantial."

- "Successful" does not fit because it refers to the outcome or result of an action, not the amount of money invested.

- "Significant" fits the context, as it means large or considerable, which aligns with the idea of a substantial amount of money being invested.

Therefore, the most likely meaning of "substantial" in this context is "significant," referring to a large or considerable amount of money.