Silent, missense, and nonsense mutations all characterized by their effect on the resulting:(1 point) Responses

1. Number of base pairs removed
2. Protein shape
3. Amino Acid
4. Gene transcription

3. Amino Acid

What is the benefit of genetic variation?(1 point) Responses

1. Higher genetic variation can increase chances of survival with changes in the environment
2. Different traits like coat color can help them survive predators in different locations
3. A and B
4. None of the above

3. A and B

The correct answer is option 3: Amino Acid.

Silent, missense, and nonsense mutations are all types of mutations that can occur in a DNA sequence. These mutations can lead to changes in the resulting protein product during gene expression.

Silent mutations are point mutations that do not result in any change to the amino acid sequence of the protein. These mutations typically occur in the third position of a codon, where changes in the DNA sequence may not affect the encoded amino acid. As a result, the protein maintains its original sequence and function.

Missense mutations, on the other hand, result in a change in a single DNA base pair, causing a change in the amino acid sequence of the protein. This can affect the protein's structure and function, as the altered amino acid may have different properties or interactions within the protein.

Nonsense mutations are mutations that introduce a premature stop codon into the DNA sequence. This causes premature termination of protein synthesis, resulting in a truncated, incomplete protein. This can have significant effects on protein function, as critical regions may be missing.

In summary, while mutations can have different effects on gene transcription and protein shape, the distinguishing feature among silent, missense, and nonsense mutations lies in their impact on the resulting amino acid sequence.