Solve the quadratic equation 5x2+75x=0 by factoring out the GCF.(1 point)


The solutions are x=0 and x=15.
The solutions are x equals 0 and x equals 15 .

The solutions are x=−15 and x=−5.
The solutions are x equals negative 15 and x equals negative 5 .

The solutions are x=0 and x=5.
The solutions are x equals 0 and x equals 5 .

The solutions are x=−15 and x=0.
The solutions are x equals negative 15 and x equals 0 .

To solve the quadratic equation 5x^2 + 75x = 0 by factoring out the GCF, we first need to find the greatest common factor of the two terms.

The GCF of 5x^2 and 75x is 5x. We can factor out 5x from both terms:

5x^2 + 75x = 5x(x + 15) = 0

Now we can set each factor equal to zero:

5x = 0 or x + 15 = 0

Solving these equations gives us:

x = 0 or x = -15

Therefore, the solutions to the quadratic equation are x = 0 and x = -15.

a b c or d


To solve the quadratic equation 5x^2 + 75x = 0 by factoring out the GCF, we first need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the terms.

In this case, both terms have a common factor of 5x. We can factor it out to rewrite the equation as follows:

5x(x + 15) = 0

Now, we can set each factor equal to zero and solve for x:

1) 5x = 0
Dividing both sides by 5, we get x = 0.

2) x + 15 = 0
Subtracting 15 from both sides, we get x = -15.

Therefore, the solutions to the quadratic equation 5x^2 + 75x = 0 are x = 0 and x = -15.