Suppose that you work at the Peacock Blue store for 40 hours over five days at a rate of $10.25/hour. You then quit your job. Deductions are FICA (7.65%), federal withholding (15%), and state withholding (10%). Your expenses are transportation at $5.25/day, lunch at $3.85/day, and black slacks required for work at $19.95. How much is your discretionary income for the week?(1 point)Responses


To calculate your discretionary income, we need to first calculate your gross income and then subtract your deductions and expenses.

Gross Income:
$10.25/hour x 40 hours = $410

FICA: 7.65% of $410 = $31.47
Federal withholding: 15% of $410 = $61.50
State withholding: 10% of $410 = $41

Total deductions: $31.47 + $61.50 + $41 = $133.97

Transportation: $5.25 x 5 days = $26.25
Lunch: $3.85 x 5 days = $19.25
Black slacks: $19.95

Total expenses: $26.25 + $19.25 + $19.95 = $65.45

Discretionary Income:
Gross income - Deductions - Expenses = $410 - $133.97 - $65.45 = $210.68

Therefore, your discretionary income for the week is $210.68. The correct answer is $210.68