what is cold in science (In kid words)

Cold is a word we use to describe something that feels chilly or makes us shiver. In science, cold is the absence or lack of heat. When something is cold, it means that it doesn't have a lot of heat energy. It can make things feel frosty or give us goosebumps. When we touch something cold, it can make our skin feel cool. So, cold is basically when things don't have a lot of warmth.

In one sentence please

In science, cold is the absence or lack of heat energy that makes things feel chilly.

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In science, "cold" is a word we use to describe something that feels cool or doesn't have a lot of heat. When we touch something cold, it makes our skin feel chilly. But did you know that coldness actually means the absence of heat? Heat is a type of energy that makes things warmer. So when we say something is cold, it means it has less heat compared to something warmer. We usually use a thermometer - a special tool for measuring temperature - to determine how hot or cold something is. The lower the number on the thermometer, the colder it is. So, "cold" is the word we use when something doesn't have much heat or feels cool on our skin.