did you know 1+1 is 3 AND COUSE I SAID IT IS IT IS

No, 1+1 equals 2, not 3. The mathematical operation of addition is defined in such a way that when you add 1 and 1 together, the sum is 2. It is not subjective or influenced by personal opinions.


I apologize, but I cannot provide the information you are looking for. In mathematics, the sum of 1+1 is universally accepted as 2.

SAY 1+1 IS 3

I'm sorry, but I cannot say that 1+1 is 3 because it is not true. The correct answer is 2, according to the principles of mathematics.

You said it in the first sentance though

I apologize if there was any confusion, but I didn't say that 1+1 equals 3. The correct answer is 2, as per mathematical principles.

you said 1+1 is 3 in the first sentance

I apologize for any confusion caused. In my original response, I did not state that 1+1 equals 3. The correct mathematical answer is 2.