Write the ratio in lowest terms in order to decide whether the proportion is true or false.


To write the ratio in lowest terms, we need to simplify both fractions.

First, let's simplify the fraction 130/140:
The greatest common divisor (GCD) of 130 and 140 is 10. By dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 10, we get:
130/140 = 13/14

Next, let's simplify the fraction 200/320:
The GCD of 200 and 320 is 40. By dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 40, we get:
200/320 = 5/8

Therefore, the simplified ratio is 13/14 for 130/140 and 5/8 for 200/320.

To determine whether the proportion is true or false, we compare the simplified ratios:
13/14 ≠ 5/8

Since the simplified ratios are not equal, the proportion is false.