What is one way that the selection “Bike Sharing” and the video “Bike Share Parking: Do the Right Thing” are similar?

What is one way that the selection “Bike Sharing” and the video “Bike Share Parking: Do the Right Thing” are similar?

They both showcase examples of how the bike share programs create difficulty for people with certain disabilities.

They both encourage cities to reduce the usage of their bike sharing programs.

They both suggest the benefits of bike sharing for the individual.

Both selections mention advantages and disadvantages of the bike sharing programs.

They both focus on the importance of proper parking and etiquette for bike sharing programs.

please pick a answer option

They both suggest the benefits of bike sharing for the individual.

To answer this question, we can look at the topic and content of both the selection "Bike Sharing" and the video "Bike Share Parking: Do the Right Thing."

To find similarities between these two sources, we can analyze their main ideas and compare them.

First, we need to understand the main idea of each source. The selection "Bike Sharing" discusses bike share programs and their advantages and disadvantages. It provides information about how bike sharing can be beneficial for individuals and cities.

On the other hand, the video "Bike Share Parking: Do the Right Thing" focuses on the issue of bike share parking and how it can create difficulties for people with certain disabilities. The video discusses the importance of proper bike share parking and the impact it can have on accessibility.

By comparing these main ideas, we can identify a similarity. Both the selection and the video mention the advantages and disadvantages of bike sharing programs. The selection does so by providing a general overview, while the video highlights the specific issue of bike share parking and how it affects accessibility.

Therefore, one way that the selection "Bike Sharing" and the video "Bike Share Parking: Do the Right Thing" are similar is that they both mention advantages and disadvantages of bike sharing programs.