Change the stacking order of the pictures on Slide 3 by bringing the picture of the carpenter to the front of the stack.

To change the stacking order of the pictures on Slide 3 and bring the picture of the carpenter to the front, follow these steps:

1. Open the PowerPoint presentation and navigate to Slide 3, where the pictures are located.

2. Click on the picture of the carpenter to select it. This will activate the Picture Tools Format tab in the ribbon.

3. In the Picture Tools Format tab, locate the "Arrange" group. It is usually found on the far right side of the ribbon.

4. Within the Arrange group, click on the "Bring Forward" button. This button has an upward-pointing arrow with a horizontal line. Clicking it once will bring the picture of the carpenter one step forward in the stacking order.

5. If the picture of the carpenter is not yet in front of the other pictures, click the "Bring Forward" button once or multiple times until it reaches the desired stacking order.

6. Ensure that the picture of the carpenter is now positioned at the front of the stack, obscuring any other pictures that were originally on top of it.

By following these steps, you will successfully change the stacking order of the pictures on Slide 3, bringing the picture of the carpenter to the front.