Column A

Electronegativity values decrease as you move left to right across a period.

Electronegativity values decrease as you move left to right across a period.

Electronegativity values decrease as you move down (top to bottom) in a group.

Electronegativity values decrease as you move down (top to bottom) in a group.

The least electronegative elements are found in the bottom left corner of the periodic table.

The least electronegative elements are found in the bottom left corner of the periodic table.

Francium is the most electronegative element.

Francium is the most electronegative element.

Phosphorous (P) is more electronegative than nitrogen (N).

Phosphorous (P) is more electronegative than nitrogen (N).

In a covalent bond between Sulfur (S) and Chlorine (Cl), the shared electrons would be more attracted to chlorine because it has a higher electronegativity.

In a covalent bond between Sulfur (S) and Chlorine (Cl), the shared electrons would be more attracted to chlorine because it has a higher electronegativity.

Column B

1. a.False

2. b.True
3. a.False
4. a.False
5. a.False
6. b.True