What is the plural form of libro?

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what does pushing 30 mean

The phrase "pushing 30" is an idiomatic expression that means someone is getting close to turning 30 years old, or is already in their late twenties and approaching the age of 30. It is often used to indicate that someone is no longer in their early twenties and is entering a new stage of adulthood.

ohhh... ok ty

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

aLSO, Why do actors act on set instead of real life

Actors act on set instead of real life because they are specifically trained and skilled in performing for the camera or stage. When actors portray characters in movies, TV shows, or plays, they are playing a role that is scripted and directed as part of a creative production.

In real life, people are not constantly playing a character or following a script. However, actors use their training and talent to convincingly portray different characters in a controlled environment, such as on a movie set or theater stage. They work with a director, follow the script, and collaborate with other actors and crew members to create a cohesive and entertaining performance for the audience. Acting in this context allows for storytelling, exploration of different emotions, and the ability to bring imaginary worlds and characters to life.

But why do they act on a set, and a greenscreen instead of in real life, not on a set or on a greenscreen? Like whenever they "travel" places onset they are usually behind a greenscreen. Why can't they travel and drive in the real world? Is it too much stuff happening in the real world and in the real world they aren't acting?

Acting on a set or using a greenscreen allows for greater control and flexibility in creating the desired visual and storytelling effects for the film or TV show. Here are a few reasons why actors may not always be filmed in real-world locations:

1. Practicality: It may not be practical or feasible to travel to every desired location for filming. Filming on location can be costly, time-consuming, and logistically challenging. Sets and greenscreens provide a controlled environment where various scenes can be created efficiently.

2. Creative freedom: Filming on set or with a greenscreen allows filmmakers and visual effects teams to have more creative control over the scenery, backgrounds, and special effects. They can create fantastical or unrealistic environments that would not be possible to recreate in real life.

3. Safety and convenience: Some scenes involve dangerous stunts, special effects, or intense action sequences. Shooting on set or using greenscreen technology provides a safer and more controlled environment for such scenes.

4. Consistency and continuity: Filming on a set or using greenscreen allows for consistent lighting, camera angles, and other technical factors that aid in maintaining visual continuity throughout the film or TV show. It ensures that scenes shot at different times and places appear seamless and cohesive when edited together.

In summary, while real-world locations are undoubtedly used in many films and TV shows, filming on sets or using greenscreens provides more control, flexibility, and efficiency in creating the desired visual effects and storytelling elements.

I see. Thank you! :D

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.