Chief Justice John Marshall and the United States Supreme Court ruled in Worcester v. Georgia that the Cherokee were a sovereign nation. Despite this ruling (1 point)

The Cherokee could not hold political offices in Georgia.
The Indian Removal Act could not be enforced.
The Cherokee were still forced to leave their lands in Georgia.
The Indian Removal Act was still repealed.

The Cherokee were still forced to leave their lands in Georgia.

What was the main reason given for removing the Cherokee from their homes in northwestern Georgia? (1 point)

The Cherokee had adopted a constitution and formed their own nation.
Gold was discovered on Cherokee land.
Congress had sold the Cherokee land to the railroads.
The government promised large tracks of land to the Native Americans in Oklahoma.

Gold was discovered on Cherokee land.

To identify the claim, ask, _______________What is the author's main position or assertion?______________________

To identify the reasons, ask, _______________What arguments or justifications does the author provide to support the claim?____________________
To identify the evidence, ask, _____________What specific facts, examples, or data does the author present to support each reason?_____________________

fill in the blanks

To identify the claim, ask, What is the author's main position or assertion?

To identify the reasons, ask, What arguments or justifications does the author provide to support the claim?
To identify the evidence, ask, What specific facts, examples, or data does the author present to support each reason?

To identify the claim, ask, _______________What is the author's main position or assertion?______________________

To identify the reasons, ask, _______________What arguments or justifications does the author provide to support the claim?____________________
To identify the evidence, ask, _____________What specific facts, examples, or data does the author present to support each reason?_____________________

To identify the claim, ask, What is the author's main position or assertion?

To identify the reasons, ask, What arguments or justifications does the author provide to support the claim?
To identify the evidence, ask, What specific facts, examples, or data does the author present to support each reason?