When designing software for a private school grade management, what development standards should be prioritized? Justify each standard in 1-2 sentences

1. User Interface (UI) Design Standard: Prioritizing a clean and intuitive UI helps ensure easy navigation and reduces the learning curve for teachers and administrators, increasing efficiency and productivity in managing grades.

2. Data Security Standard: Placement of strong data protections and encryption ensures the confidentiality and integrity of student grades, preserving privacy and preventing unauthorized access.
3. Scalability Standard: Incorporating a scalable architecture allows the software to handle growing amounts of data and user traffic as the school expands, ensuring long-term viability and minimizing future costs and disruptions.
4. Accessibility Standard: Implementing accessibility standards makes the software inclusive and usable for individuals with disabilities, ensuring equal access to grade management features and promoting inclusivity in the school community.
5. Performance Optimization Standard: Focusing on optimizing software performance by reducing latency and response times enhances user experience, enabling teachers to efficiently input grades and students to access their grades promptly.
6. Mobile Compatibility Standard: Designing the software to be compatible with mobile devices grants teachers and administrators the flexibility to manage grades on-the-go, improving accessibility and convenience.
7. Documentation and Support Standard: Providing thorough documentation and a support system aids users in understanding and utilizing the software effectively, reducing the learning curve and facilitating successful adoption and usage.
8. Integration Standard: Prioritizing compatibility with other existing systems used by the school, such as student information systems or learning management systems, allows seamless data exchange and avoids duplication of efforts, streamlining grade management processes.
9. Customization and Flexibility Standard: Including customizable features and flexible configurations enables each school to tailor the software to their unique grading policies and requirements, enhancing usability and adaptability for different educational institutions.
10. Testability and Maintenance Standard: Emphasizing testability and employing code maintenance practices allows for efficient bug identification and resolution, minimizing downtime and facilitating continuous improvement and updates of the software.