Characters of illiad or troy

1. Achilles: The central character of the Iliad, Achilles is the greatest warrior of the Greek army and plays a crucial role in the Trojan War. He is known for his exceptional strength and combat skills, but also for his pride and temper.

2. Hector: The greatest warrior of the Trojan army and the chief defender of Troy, Hector is portrayed as a noble and honorable hero. He is known for his bravery and loyalty to his family and city.

3. Agamemnon: The king of Mycenae and the commander-in-chief of the Greek forces, Agamemnon is a complex character. He is depicted as a powerful and ambitious leader, but also as a ruthless and arrogant ruler.

4. Priam: The elderly king of Troy, Priam is portrayed as a wise and compassionate ruler. He is shown as a loving father to his sons, especially Hector and Paris.

5. Paris: Prince of Troy, Paris is responsible for starting the Trojan War by abducting Helen from Menelaus. He is often criticized for his cowardice and lack of fighting skills.

6. Helen: The most beautiful woman in the world, Helen is the wife of Menelaus and the cause of the Trojan War. She is often portrayed as a passive character and a victim of circumstance.

7. Odysseus: A Greek hero and one of the main characters in the Iliad, Odysseus is known for his intelligence, cunning, and resourcefulness. He plays a crucial role in the fall of Troy through his idea of the Trojan Horse.

8. Menelaus: The king of Sparta and the husband of Helen, Menelaus is portrayed as a brave and honorable warrior. He seeks revenge against Paris for stealing his wife.

9. Patroclus: Achilles' closest friend and companion, Patroclus is skilled in battle and deeply loyal to Achilles. His death is a major turning point in the Iliad, as it motivates Achilles to rejoin the war.

10. Briseis: A Trojan woman who becomes a captive and concubine of Achilles, Briseis serves as a symbol of the spoils of war and the suffering of women in the ancient world. Her presence also contributes to the strained relationship between Agamemnon and Achilles.