Mia is signing up for a gym membership with a one-time fee to join and then a monthly fee to remain a member. The monthly fee is $30 and the one-time joining fee is $100. Make a table of values and then write an equation for C, commaC, in terms of t, commat, representing the total cost of the gym membership over tt months. number of months: 0 1 2 3 complete cost of membership

To find the total cost of the gym membership over t months, we need to consider the one-time joining fee and the monthly fee.

The one-time joining fee is $100, which means it remains constant regardless of the number of months.

The monthly fee is $30, and since it is charged each month, we can multiply it by the number of months (t).

Based on this information, we can create the following table:

| number of months | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| cost of membership | 100 | 130 | 160 | 190 |

From the table, we can observe that the cost of membership increases by $30 each month.

Therefore, we can write the equation for the total cost of the gym membership (C) in terms of the number of months (t) as:

C = 100 + 30t