what are all of the secondary consumers of the tundra biome?

Some examples of secondary consumers in the tundra biome include:

1. Arctic foxes: They feed on lemmings, voles, and other small mammals.
2. Snowy owls: They consume small mammals like lemmings, hares, and voles.
3. Wolverines: They feed on small mammals, carrion, and occasionally hunt larger prey like caribou.
4. Lynx: They mainly consume snowshoe hares, but can also prey on other small mammals.
5. Arctic wolves: They primarily feed on muskoxen, caribou, and other large mammals.
6. Polar bears: They hunt seals as their main food source.
7. Weasels: Species like the stoat feed on small mammals, birds, and sometimes eggs.
8. Ermines: They consume small mammals, birds, eggs, and insects.
9. Peregrine falcons: They prey on birds and small mammals.
10. Snowshoe hare: While herbivores, they can sometimes be considered secondary consumers if they consume other smaller herbivores like insects or eat carrion.

These are just a few examples of secondary consumers in the tundra biome, and the specific composition may vary depending on the region.