the y intercept is 10

a. Using the graph, describe the key characteristics of the graph (positive/negative slope, proportional/non proportional, y-intercept).

b. Write in words what the slope of the graph means in context.

c. Write in words what the y-intercept of the graph means in context.

d. Write in words what the graph of the line is showing.

a. The graph has a y-intercept of 10, meaning it passes through the y-axis at the point (0, 10). Without additional information, the slope of the graph cannot be determined, so we can't say whether it is positive or negative, or whether the graph is proportional or non-proportional.

b. The slope of the graph represents the rate of change between the x- and y-variables. Without knowing the slope value, we cannot determine its meaning in context.

c. The y-intercept of 10 means that when the x-variable is zero, the value of the y-variable is 10. In context, it could represent a starting point or a constant value in a situation being represented by the graph.

d. Without additional information, we cannot determine what the graph is showing or representing. The graph could represent any relationship between two variables, and without further context, its meaning or purpose is unclear.