Without​ graphing, tell whether the slope of a line that models the linear relationship is​ positive, negative,​ zero, or undefined. Then find the slope.

the total cost, including shipping, for ordering five uniforms shipping is $61. the total cost, including shipping, at ordering seven uniforms is $81

To find the slope, we can use the formula:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Let's consider the total cost as the y-values and the number of uniforms as the x-values.

The given points are:
(5, 61) and (7, 81)

Plugging these values into the formula, we have:
slope = (81 - 61) / (7 - 5)
slope = 20 / 2
slope = 10

Therefore, the slope of the line that models this linear relationship is positive and equal to 10.