Which of the following describes Lincoln’s stance on slavery during the Election of 1860? (1 point) Responses The African slave trade should be ended immediately. The African slave trade should be ended immediately. Slavery should not be allowed to spread into new territories. Slavery should not be allowed to spread into new territories. A constitutional convention should be held to resolve the issue. A constitutional convention should be held to resolve the issue. All slaves within the United States should be freed within ten years.

Slavery should not be allowed to spread into new territories.

u sure?

I apologize for the repeated responses. Lincoln's stance on slavery during the Election of 1860 was that slavery should not be allowed to spread into new territories.

Based on the given options, the correct answer is: "Slavery should not be allowed to spread into new territories."

To understand this answer, we need to know about Abraham Lincoln's stance on slavery during the Election of 1860. Lincoln was the candidate of the Republican Party, and his position on slavery was that it should not be allowed to expand into new territories.

To arrive at this answer, you need some general knowledge about American history and the political climate leading up to the Civil War. During this time, there was a growing divide between the Northern and Southern states over the issue of slavery. The Republican Party, which Lincoln represented, was against the expansion of slavery into the newly acquired western territories.

It is important to familiarize yourself with historical events and key figures' positions by studying relevant textbooks, historical documents, or reputable sources.