Living organisms can incorporate ________ into their metabolism.(1 point)


nitrogen gas
nitrogen gas





Usable forms of nitrogen can intentionally be increased in the soil by(1 point)


allowing organic matter to decompose.
allowing organic matter to decompose.


planting more trees.
planting more trees.

planting fewer beans.

allowing organic matter to decompose.

To determine which compound living organisms can incorporate into their metabolism, we need to consider the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen is an essential element for the growth and development of living organisms. However, it exists primarily in the atmosphere as nitrogen gas (N2), which cannot be directly utilized by most organisms.

Certain bacteria and archaea are capable of converting nitrogen gas into a form that organisms can use. This process is called nitrogen fixation, and it can occur through two main pathways: biological nitrogen fixation and industrial nitrogen fixation. Biological nitrogen fixation is mainly carried out by certain groups of bacteria, such as Rhizobium and Azotobacter, which convert nitrogen gas into ammonia (NH3). Ammonia can then be further transformed into other nitrogen compounds.

Ammonia can be converted into nitrates (NO3-) or nitrites (NO2-) by nitrifying bacteria. These nitrogen compounds are commonly found in soil and water and can be directly taken up by plants through their roots. When plants and other producers incorporate nitrates and nitrites into their metabolism, they can synthesize organic molecules that contain nitrogen, such as amino acids and proteins.

In summary, while living organisms cannot directly incorporate nitrogen gas into their metabolism, they can incorporate ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites. These compounds serve as important sources of nitrogen for various biological processes.