n South Georgia, Ms. Smith’s orange farm workers pick 150 bushels of oranges in 5 hours. How many bushels of oranges would they pick in 7 hours? Do not label answer.

In order to find out how many bushels of oranges the workers would pick in 7 hours, we can set up a proportion:

5 hours / 150 bushels = 7 hours / x bushels

Cross-multiplying, we get:

5x = 7 * 150

5x = 1050

Dividing both sides by 5:

x = 210

Therefore, the workers would pick 210 bushels of oranges in 7 hours.

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To find out how many bushels of oranges the workers would pick in 7 hours, we can use a proportion to solve this problem.

First, let's set up the proportion. The ratio of bushels of oranges to hours worked should be the same in both cases.

We know that in 5 hours, they picked 150 bushels of oranges. So, our first ratio is 150 bushels / 5 hours.

Now, to find out how many bushels they would pick in 7 hours, we can set it up as a proportion:

150 bushels / 5 hours = x bushels / 7 hours

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide to isolate x:

150 bushels * 7 hours = 5 hours * x bushels

1050 bushel-hours = 5x

To find x, we divide both sides by 5:

1050 bushel-hours / 5 = x

x = 210 bushels

Therefore, the workers would pick 210 bushels of oranges in 7 hours.