A) What influence did biblical teachings have on the authors of the Declaration of Independence? (1 point) Responses The teachings helped the framers mimic the setup of British parliament. The teachings helped the framers mimic the setup of British parliament. The teachings helped incorporate the idea of religious tolerance. The teachings helped incorporate the idea of religious tolerance. The teachings demonstrated what ideals the framers wanted to avoid. The teachings demonstrated what ideals the framers wanted to avoid. The teachings demonstrated how Hebrew leaders governed.

The teachings helped incorporate the idea of religious tolerance.

The teachings demonstrated what ideals the framers wanted to avoid.
The teachings demonstrated how Hebrew leaders governed.

which one

The influence of biblical teachings on the authors of the Declaration of Independence can be seen in all three options:

1) The teachings helped incorporate the idea of religious tolerance - The principle of religious freedom and tolerance is evident in the Declaration of Independence, with its emphasis on the rights of individuals to worship according to their own beliefs.

2) The teachings demonstrated what ideals the framers wanted to avoid - The framers of the Declaration of Independence drew from biblical examples to illustrate the dangers of a tyrannical government and the importance of protecting individual liberties.

3) The teachings demonstrated how Hebrew leaders governed - Biblical teachings and stories, including those from Hebrew leaders such as Moses and the Israelites, influenced the framers' understanding of leadership and governance, which may have informed their approach to crafting a democratic system.

pick one answer

If I have to pick one answer, I would say that the influence of biblical teachings on the authors of the Declaration of Independence helped incorporate the idea of religious tolerance.

is this correct

Yes, that is correct. The influence of biblical teachings on the authors of the Declaration of Independence did help incorporate the idea of religious tolerance. The framers of the Declaration believed in the importance of religious freedom and wanted to create a society where individuals could practice their own faith without persecution.

A) What was the most notable strength of the Articles of Confederation? (1 point) Responses It lasted as a form of government for many decades. It lasted as a form of government for many decades. It provided strong power to an executive branch. It provided strong power to an executive branch. It gave powers to the states to govern themselves. It gave powers to the states to govern themselves. It kept Congress from being able to tax citizens.

The most notable strength of the Articles of Confederation was that it gave powers to the states to govern themselves.

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