How did the Agricultural Revolution lead to an increase in the population?

A. It provided political stability.

B. It provided new ways to transport goods and people.

C. It provided enough food to feed and grow the population.

D. It provided new markets for British goods.

C. It provided enough food to feed and grow the population.

2. Why did railways grow rapidly in Britain during the Industrial Revolution?

A. The British government was competing with France over growth.

B. The British government encouraged competition to maximize growth.

C. They allowed the Agricultural Revolution to take off.

D. They made the transport of cotton in India easier.

B. The British government encouraged competition to maximize growth.

3. How did Bakewell contribute to the Agricultural Revolution?

A. He created the four-course field rotation.

B. He fed his sheep turnips in the winter for better wool.

C. He introduced cross-breeding for stronger and better animals.

D. He used enclosures to help grow bigger herds.

C. He introduced cross-breeding for stronger and better animals.

4. With the creation of James Watt’s steam engine, where did factories need to be located?

A. near coal mines to easily access the coal needed to help run them

B. anywhere there was space for a factory

C. by rivers for the water power

D. in cities so factories could get more workers to operate them

A. near coal mines to easily access the coal needed to help run them

4. Which of the following was an effect of the factory system?(1 point)


A. Textile production dropped and made Britain struggle economically.

B. Other countries rejected business practices that Britain had invented.

C. People were no longer their own bosses.

D. People were able to make more money working at a factory than farming.

C. People were no longer their own bosses.

Which of the following factors best assesses how migration affected rural areas?(1 point)


A. Decreased enclosures increased the number of factory jobs.

B. Improved craftsmanship increased the number of factory jobs.

C. Improved agricultural productivity reduced the need for farmers.

D. Decreased living conditions increased the number of factory jobs.