show that the sine of cosine value of an angle measuring 48° is equivalent to the sine or cosine value of that same angle measured in radians and state the value of the function in a paragraph answer like a 11th grader.

To determine the sine of the cosine value of an angle measuring 48° and compare it to the sine or cosine value of the same angle measured in radians, we need to convert 48° to radians.

To convert degrees to radians, we use the formula: radians = degrees × π/180.

So, when we convert 48° to radians, we have:
48° × π/180 ≈ 0.8378 radians.

Now, let's find the sine and cosine of both 48° and 0.8378 radians.

For 48°:
sin(48°) ≈ 0.7431
cos(48°) ≈ 0.6691

For 0.8378 radians:
sin(0.8378) ≈ 0.7329
cos(0.8378) ≈ 0.6807

Comparing the values, we see that the sine of the cosine value (0.7431) of 48° is approximately equal to the sine (0.7329) or cosine (0.6807) value of the same angle measured in radians (0.8378).