The average distance from earth to mats is 2.25x10^8km, and the distance from earth to Neptune is 4.3514x10^9 kn. How much fuadthetbis Neptune from earth then mars

To find the distance between Neptune and Mars, we would subtract the distance between Earth and Mars from the distance between Earth and Neptune.

Distance from Earth to Mars = 2.25x10^8 km
Distance from Earth to Neptune = 4.3514x10^9 km

Distance from Neptune to Mars = Distance from Earth to Neptune - Distance from Earth to Mars
= 4.3514x10^9 km - 2.25x10^8 km

Calculating this subtraction:

Distance from Neptune to Mars = 4.3514x10^9 km - 2.25x10^8 km
= 4.1269x10^9 km