What is the rate of change for the table representing an airplane's descent?

Time Elevation
0 30,000
2 29,000
5 27,500
12 24,000

A. 0 ft/min
B. 500 ft/min
C. 1,000 ft/min
D. 2,000 ft/ min

To determine the rate of change for the table, we need to find the change in elevation divided by the change in time.

The change in elevation from 0 to 2 minutes is 30,000 ft - 29,000 ft = 1,000 ft.
The change in time from 0 to 2 minutes is 2 - 0 = 2 minutes.
The rate of change is 1,000 ft / 2 min = <<1000/2=500>>500 ft/min.

Similarly, the rate of change from 2 to 5 minutes is (27,500 ft - 29,000 ft) / (5 min - 2 min) = -1,500 ft / 3 min = -500 ft/min.

The rate of change from 5 to 12 minutes is (24,000 ft - 27,500 ft) / (12 min - 5 min) = -3,500 ft / 7 min = -500 ft/min.

Since the rate of change is constant throughout the table and it is equal to 500 ft/min, the answer is B. 500 ft/min.