What place value position is the 6 in the number 12.3464?

1 point

To determine the place value position of a digit within a number, you need to understand the concept of place value. In our decimal number system, each digit's value is determined by its position within the number.

Let's break down the given number, 12.3464, and identify the place value positions:

- The digit 6 is to the right of the decimal point and immediately before the last digit, 4.
- Starting from the decimal point and moving right, the first position is called "tenths" (1/10), the second position is "hundredths" (1/100), and the third position is "thousandths" (1/1,000).
- In this case, the digit 6 is in the "thousandths" place value position.

So, the correct answer is "thousandthsā€¯.