The final model is not applicable to real-life applications of mathematics, as shown in the different number of notes and use of the Markov chain in nature, where transition probability does not change.

The final tune does not seem practical in real life as it solely relies on an Excel random note generator. Matrix is a suitable method for music composition, but it may not be the most accurate as it may not capture all aspects of musical expression as it is only based on the probability of future notes.
whih one is better

It is important to note that neither the final model nor the Excel random note generator mentioned are considered ideal or accurate approaches for real-life applications of mathematics in music composition. Both have limitations and do not fully capture the complexity and artistic expression involved in composing music.

In general, music composition is a multifaceted process that involves a deep understanding of musical theory, creativity, and emotion. While mathematical tools like Markov chains and matrices can provide insight and structure to composition, they should be used in conjunction with human expertise and artistic intuition to create truly impactful music.

Ultimately, the effectiveness and suitability of a model or method in music composition depend on various factors, such as the goals and preferences of the composer, the style of music being composed, and the intended audience.