If 9.54% of the battery life of each mobile phone is used in a day by a typical user, which mobile phone would use a total of 1.908 hours of battery life in a day?

To determine which mobile phone would use a total of 1.908 hours of battery life in a day, we need to calculate the battery life percentage that corresponds to 1.908 hours.

Since 9.54% of the battery life is used in a day, it means that 100% - 9.54% = 90.46% of the battery life remains.

To find the battery life percentage equivalent to 1.908 hours, we can set up the following proportion:

1.908 hours / x = 90.46% / 100%

Cross-multiplying the equation:

1.908 hours * 100% = x * 90.46%

190.8 = x * 90.46%

Dividing both sides of the equation by 90.46:

x = 190.8 / 90.46

x ≈ 2.11

Therefore, a mobile phone with a total battery life of 2.11 hours would use approximately 1.908 hours in a day.