Rates and measurements unit test -Math 6A

1. no, because the ratios of model length to actual distance are different for the two planets.

2. 2000 species/year
3. 150
4. 300
5. 40
6. one kilometer
7. 123.2 pounds
8. 100,000 milliliters
9. 15
10. In 15 months, you will save $300. If you change your savings to $110, your total savings will increase.
11. Multiply or divide both sides of the ratio by the same number.
12. 25
13. Bingo will eat more dog food at 1.5 lb. per day.
14. write using your own words!
(i answered the same thing on another question)

Without knowing the specific content covered in the Rates and Measurements unit test for Math 6A, it is difficult to provide specific answers to questions. However, here are some general topics that may be covered on the test:

1. Units of measurement: Students may be asked to convert between different units of measurement, such as inches to feet or grams to kilograms.

2. Rates: Students may need to calculate rates, such as miles per hour or cost per item, and apply them to solve real-life problems.

3. Proportional relationships: Students may be asked to identify and solve problems involving proportional relationships, such as determining the constant of proportionality or finding missing values.

4. Scale drawings: Students may be required to interpret and create scale drawings, using given scales to find lengths or areas in a drawing.

5. Customary and metric system: Students may be tested on their knowledge and understanding of the customary system (inches, feet, pounds, etc.) and the metric system (centimeters, meters, kilograms, etc.), including their conversions and appropriate use.

6. Applications and problem-solving: Students may be given real-life scenarios that involve measurement and rates and asked to apply their mathematical knowledge to solve them.

Remember, this is just a general overview of possible topics that may be covered on a Rates and Measurements unit test for Math 6A. The actual content and questions may vary depending on the specific curriculum and teacher. It is always best to consult your teacher or review your class materials to prepare for the test.