Solve the following the first term of an AP is 5 and the common difference is -3/2 find the term whose value is -20 whole number 1/2

The formula for the nth term (Tn) of an arithmetic progression (AP) is given by:

Tn = a + (n-1)d

where a is the first term and d is the common difference.

In this case, the first term (a) is 5 and the common difference (d) is -3/2.

Let's substitute these values into the formula and solve for n when the term value is -20:

-20 = 5 + (n - 1)(-3/2)

We can simplify this equation by multiplying through by 2 to eliminate the fraction:

-40 = 10 - 3(n - 1)

Next, distribute the -3 to both terms inside the parentheses and simplify:

-40 = 10 - 3n + 3

Combine like terms:

-40 = 13 - 3n

Subtract 13 from both sides:

-53 = -3n

Divide by -3:

n = 17.67

Since we are looking for a whole number term, we need to round up to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, the term whose value is -20 (to the nearest whole number) is the 18th term of the arithmetic progression.