Andrea is pouring water from a full bucket into an empty bucket.

The full bucket initially contained 4800 ml of water, and Andrea
pours at a steady rate of 100 ml per second. For how many seconds
must Andrea pour to get the same amount of water in each bucket?

Let's call the amount of water in the first bucket after pouring for t seconds "x" ml.

Since Andrea pours at a steady rate of 100 ml per second, the amount of water in the second bucket after pouring for t seconds is 100t ml.
We want the two buckets to have the same amount of water, so we can set up the equation:
x = 100t
We also know that the initial amount of water in the first bucket is 4800 ml, so x = 4800.
Substituting x = 4800 into the equation, we get:
4800 = 100t
Dividing both sides by 100, we find:
t = 4800 / 100 = 48.
Therefore, Andrea must pour for 48 seconds to get the same amount of water in each bucket. Answer: \boxed{48}.