Quadratic function `h` can be used to model the height in feet of a rocket from the ground `t` seconds after it was launched. The graph of the function is shown. What is the maximum value of the graph of the function? Type in the number only

Since the graph is a downward-opening parabola, the maximum value of the graph represents the highest point of the rocket's flight. To find this value, we need to locate the vertex of the parabola. The vertex of a quadratic function in the form of h(t) = at^2 + bt + c can be found using the formula t = -b/2a.

From the graph, it appears that the vertex has a x-coordinate of approximately 4. We can use this information to calculate the maximum value as follows:

t = -b/2a
4 = -b/2a

Since we do not have specific values for the coefficients a and b, we cannot calculate the exact maximum value. However, we can determine the number based on the height of the rocket at the vertex, which corresponds to the y-coordinate of the vertex. By reading the graph, we can estimate that the maximum value is around 30.

Therefore, the maximum value of the graph is approximately 30.